People Care

When people think “permaculture,” people care likely isn’t the first thing that comes to mind, yet it is incredibly important to everything we do as designers. My goal is to create spaces that help people thrive. In fact, my main purpose in studying permaculture in the first place was to help heal people.

I believe that this earth is here in order to sustain life, particularly human life. As I’ve said before, we are nature, not separate from it. Everything on this earth is here for a reason, and when we live in harmony with them, we naturally become healthier and happier.

Physical Health

Food is one of the most basic needs of any human being. Much of our food today is not only grown in depleted soil (not allowing it to develop the nutrients that we need to get from it when we eat it), but it is often picked before it’s ripe (not allowing what nutrients there are to fully develop), and stored for long periods of time before we buy it in a grocery store (which kills off many of the nutrients that were there). And that is only produce! Most food in stores are processed, which takes it a step further and kills the remaining nutrients, then supplements by adding things to “enrich” our foods with vitamins and minerals in forms that our bodies don’t absorb as easily as if they were in fresh produce, picked from a healthy garden and eaten right away.

It’s no wonder so many of us now have chronic conditions! And, trust me, I am barely scratching the surface on this topic.

Modern agricultural practices deplete top soil, whereas permacultural practices build it. Better soil means better food. Better food near your home means better nutrition for you and your family. Better nutrition means bodies that really do heal.

People care starts in the very soil we walk on.

Mental Health

Most of us have noticed that we feel better when we get some fresh air, but did you know there are antidepressants in soil? How about sunlight? Human beings are actually naturally wired to get what we need for good mental health from nature. Getting out in the sun, breathing deeply good air, and getting our hands dirty is some of the best things we could possibly do for our mental health.

The other thing we can do is build good relationships. What better place to meet with friends than in a garden? I have had many women come and help me with my garden. They love to come! They always mention how much better they feel after they have spent time doing a task or two in my back yard. Many of these women don’t have access to dirt, and they feel the effects, even if they don’t realize it. Yes, professional help is often needed and has it’s place, but there is also something amazingly healing in caring for the earth.

Again, people care starts in the soil we walk on. If we care for it, it cares for us.

How does permaculture care for people?

1 – Better food

As mentioned already, the best food you could possibly eat is grown close to your home. Better food gives your body what it needs to heal itself.

2 – Better views

I don’t know many people who walk around a lawn of all grass, enjoying the view of…really nothing but a green carpet. Most love to see the breeze play in the leaves of beautiful trees, happy bees skipping through the flowers, and lovely bushes. Being able to walk in a beautiful area brings peace to the heart and mind. Knowing you can grab some delicious fruit along the way is a wonderful bonus.

3 – Creating a place for relationships

We are not meant to be alone. Having a peaceful place to meet with others or gather as a family satisfies that social part of us in a way that computers just can’t.

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